Where Art and Technology Collide
You might remember the Dell computer commercials in which a youth reports this exciting news to his friends.
That they are about to get their new computer.
Learn MoreThat they are about to get their new computer.

Affiliation: School is affiliated to the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education.
Courses of Study:
Courses of study as laid down by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) and the syllabi framed by the Board of Secondary Education for 6th to 10th class. Private Publisher’s Text books are followed for LKG to 5th Class. The children are prepared to sit for the Secondary School Examinations, conducted by the Govt. of Telangana. The syllabus provides for and examines a student in English, Hindi, Telugu, Mathematics, Science (with Practicals ), and Social Science. SUPW (Hobbies and Work Experience), Music, Art Education and Physical Education are compulsory.
Classrooms and Teacher-Student ratio:
Class Room Photo
Classrooms and Teacher-Student ratio:
The aim of computer education in the school is to get the children acquainted with the latest in computer technology and to assist in removing their introversion of the machines. The intention is to make the pupils user-friendly so that they can make best use of computers in the future. Adequate exposure is given to them in Internet, hardware and software technology. The school has installed a very powerful computer lab in the school. The computers are used for education, accountancy, and management information systems. The computers are networked on LAN with high speed servers and Multi-media capability.
A well-stocked, informative library is available in both the junior and senior schools. The library is often used by the children and has a wide variety of encyclopaedias, reference books, novels, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals. There is a good collection of CDs, DVDs etc in the audio-visual section of the library as well. The library is very effective for broadening the horizons of the children and keeps them entertained, educated and well informed. Most important of all, it facilitates the development of the fast dying ''habit of reading''.
Photo of Library ?
Photo of LScience Lab
Modern and well-equipped science laboratories are available in both schools.The Labs have the requisite essential equipment for conducting practicals for the integrated science course at the secondary school stage, as per the requirement of the new curricula and scheme of studies.students themselves have preserved a large variety of specimens in the laboratories and take keen interest in making science projects.
Evaluation System:
Over the last few years there has been a countrywide debate amongst pedagogues, parents, teachers and members of various educational boards regarding a change in the evaluation system in schools, which by and large has been received with great enthusiasm. Keeping in view the evaluation systems of developed countries and the opinion of the public at large, the State Board has introduced the CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) and introduced CGPA and Grading System in schools.
With this in mind, we have developed software for evaluation in Grades and have introduced the system up to Class X. The Grades A1 down to E have been divided as follows: A1 (91-100%), A2 (81-90%), B1 (71-80%), B2 (61-70%), C1 (51-60%), C2 (41-50%), D (33-40%),The Grade points are awarded on a 10-point scale (i.e. an A1 will get 10 points, A2 8 and so on and D will get 4 points).
The overall performance of the child is represented by a GPA( Grade Point Average), which is the average of all the grade points awarded to the child in all the Subjects. The grade, grade point, GPA, are all reflected on the report card issued to the child at the end of each Examination.
Tests and Examinations:
Children are tested regularly and continuously for their academic progress, Class-work, Home-work, Class-tests, Projects, Art education, Physical Education and Work-experience along with their Thinking, Emotional and Social Skills as well. The report cards are sent to the parents 6 times a year to apprise them of the academic proficiency and progress of the child. To maintain the high standards of education the expectations of the school are high and generally children secure good grades.
Barring exceptional cases, where the parent requests so, Pinegrove does not hold back students in the same class up to Class VIII.
Parent-Teacher Meetings:
Continuous evaluation of the development of the students is of prime importance to both parents and teachers alike. It is in the best interest of the child that the parents and teachers form a cohesive team in working to achieve this objective. Hence, parents are constantly encouraged and are provided with opportunities to interact with the teachers and to assist and share in the progress of their children. All teachers are available for meeting parents from 3pm to 4.30pm on all working days.